Lokblok in use
A showcase for companies that are building products and services shielded by Lokblok
A white label custody platform that uses MPC TSS to allow regulated financial services companies to operate securely as a custody provider for their clients.
The Problem
Many financial services organizations moving into digital assets are mandated to take custody of client assets internally.
Using Lokblok components to provide the backbone of their system, Hokan has built and deployed a white label on-premise or cloud application that clients can use to securely manage digital assets.

An application that enables individuals and organizations to back-up and recover seed phrases and private keys for digital inheritance purposes.
The Problem
If you suddenly die and you’re the only person who knows how to access your private keys, unfortunately your digital assets die with you.
Using multiple Lokblok components, Clocr has been able to quickly build complex backup and recovery applications, and focus on building a great user experience rather than spending months of trial and error building vulnerable security foundations.